Invited Speaker: Rosalind W. Picard, MIT Media Lab, USA
What can a computer learn about emotions from sensing your body
Batya Friedman, The Information School, University of Washington, USA
Calming is my Technology? Using Physiological Measures to Assess
whether Augmented Reality Systems Can Enhance Psychological Functioning
in Workplace Settings
Win Burleson, MIT Media Lab, USA
Context Awareness: Supporting Humans Engaged in the Creative Process
Clive Johnson, School of Computing and Mathematics, Uni of Huddersfield, UK
Physiological Responses to Well-designed and Poorly-designed Interfaces
Diane Gromala, Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
The Meditation Chamber: A Bio-interactive Therapeutic Virtual Environment
Jonathan Farringdon, Bodymedia, USA
Discovering Context from Physiological Sensing
Jennifer Healey, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Physiological User Interfaces
Poika Isokoski, Dept of Computer and Information Science, University of Tampere, Finland
Affective Computing - Are we there yet?
Michael Meehan, Dept of Surgery, Stanford University, USA
Physiological Measures of Presence in Virtual Environments
Daniel Bruneau, Dept of Computer Science, University College London, UK
The Eyes Never Lie: The Use of Eye Tracking Data in HCI
Thecla Schiphorst, Technical University of British Columbia, Canada
Whisper: wearable body architectures
Frank H. Wilhelm, Dept of Psychology and Behavioral Science, Stanford University, USA
electronic data capture of cadiopulmonary physiology, motor behavior
and subjective experience with the LifeShirt: towards a comprehensive
monitoring of affective states in real life
Teresa Marrin Nakra, Immersion Music Inc, USA **Note Roz Picard will be presenting Teresa's paper
Musical Performance Applications of Affective Computing